Where Do I find Telehealth Providers?

Are You Wondering Where Do I find Telehealth Providers? What Services Can I get through Telehealth? You will be happy to know I have the information you are looking for. Would you love to sit on your couch drinking your cup of coffee? When your doctor comes to you to help with whatever is ailing […]

Written By The health journey nurse

On May 28, 2023

Are You Wondering

Where Do I find Telehealth Providers?

What Services Can I get through Telehealth?

You will be happy to know I have the information you are looking for.

Would you love to sit on your couch drinking your cup of coffee? When your doctor comes to you to help with whatever is ailing you? When you are feeling lousy, do you want to expend the energy it takes to go to your doctor’s office?

I bet if you are like me you would rather stay in the comfort of your bed. Is that not true? Then you will be excited to know about the many health services that you can receive in the comfort of your home. Read on to receive this valuable information.

Telehealth has been a steadily growing area of healthcare for several years now. The covid pandemic catapulted telehealth forward as it became necessary to maintain social distancing while receiving health services. According to the CDC telemedicine visits for one week at the end of March 2020 increased 154% from the same week in 2019.

With the increase in people using telehealth, more insurance carriers are covering these services now. Even Medicare and Medicaid are covering some telehealth services. Be sure to check with your insurance provider to verify what telehealth services are covered before using the service to be sure.

If you do not have health insurance or you have a high deductible. Seeing a doctor in a clinic for a minor health problem, such as a sinus infection. Is much more costly than using telehealth. If you need medication. Your telemedicine doctor can even call in a prescription for you to your local pharmacy.

Just a side note, to be aware of. Due to the potential for medication misuse and abuse. Tele Doctors can not legally prescribe medication that is considered a controlled substance. This would include certain anxiety medications, narcotic pain medication and there are others.

Telemedicine is a great option for general illnesses like sinus infections, urinary tract infections, the flu, and pink eye. You will quickly be on your way to feeling better from the comfort of your home. For routine medications such as birth control pills. Some services will deliver them via mail to your home.

Have a skin condition that is bothering you? Take a picture of the area with your phone. Send it to your telehealth dermatologist. They will diagnose it, then treat it if they can.

Now that certainly is convenient. Wait, the amazing telehealth services you can get goes on!

What about counseling and mental health services in the comfort of your home. Maybe, you feel that you and your partner could really benefit from couples counseling.

However, you both have busy lives, and finding time to go seems impossible. Another roadblock can be a partner that is reluctant to go to counseling. Being able to get couples counseling from a certified therapist via telehealth in your home may remove those barriers. Psychiatry and other services to help manage mental health such as depression are also available via telehealth.

Want to know if you have food allergies? Afraid you might have a sexually transmitted infection but are too embarrassed to go to your doctor? You can order a lab test kit delivered to your home, collect your sample, and send it off in the mail. Your results test results will be reviewed by an independent doctor. Within a few days, you will be able to get your results digitally with insights. Is that not amazing?

Insurance likely does not cover the lab tests, you can ask.

However, they do not seem too pricey. If you have a medical condition such as diabetes or Crohn’s disease there are telenutrition services to help educate you on dietary ways to manage your condition. Wow, the growth in telehealth is phenomenal! We are certain to see much more growth in the future.

Now that you are aware of all the services that you can conveniently receive from home. Where can you find these services that will make your life easier? You will be happy to know I have helped you.

Next, you will find a list I have gathered for you of telehealth providers. Included are other health services we discussed. You remember, lab test kits and birth control pills delivered right to your mailbox. I want to help you on your journey to better health. I hope you find this free list to be a valuable resource. Go ahead and print it out. It will be great to have it available to you whenever you need it.

Please enter your email address to access the list so you can have it available to you when you need it.

List of telehealth or telemedicine doctors


You can now receive many health care services without ever leaving the comfort of your home. There are a variety of services available to you such as medical, psychiatric, counseling, and nutritional services. You can have lab kits and birth control pills delivered to your home. Many insurance companies are starting to cover telehealth services, call and check with yours.

It costs less to use telehealth than to go to a clinic for services. Now that you have a list of telehealth providers and know what services are available. Go ahead, give telehealth a try. You may never want to go to a clinic again.

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