Free or Low-Cost Medical, Medication, Mental health, and Dental Services

The CDC estimates 28 million Americans between 26 and 64 years old do not have health insurance. Some of those 28 million will pay the ultimate price. Over 18,300 Americans die each year as a direct result of not having health insurance, according to the Institute of Medicine. Those numbers were calculated before the Covid […]

Written By The health journey nurse

On January 18, 2023

The CDC estimates 28 million Americans between 26 and 64 years old do not have health insurance. Some of those 28 million will pay the ultimate price. Over 18,300 Americans die each year as a direct result of not having health insurance, according to the Institute of Medicine. Those numbers were calculated before the Covid 19 pandemic when a lot of people lost their jobs and health insurance.

I can’t imagine what the numbers are now. Many millions more Americans are underinsured. Meaning their out-of-pocket expenses and deductible for the insurance they do have exceeds 10% of their household income. There has to be a better way, people should not be kept from getting much-needed healthcare or die because they can’t afford it.

As Americans, we should be paying closer attention to what our elected officials are voting for and against in regards to healthcare. You can go to to find your state representatives. Then find the bill you are interested in, then click on the tab that says “action.” That will show you how they voted on that bill. We need to speak out.

We need to demand change in regard to the high cost of medication and health care in the U.S. We need to vote for government officials that support that change when we go to the polls.

I put together a list of resources to help you find free or low-cost medical care. I hope that it helps someone to find the healthcare services they need at a price they can afford.

Where to Find Low Cost or Free medical care

Some clinics will work on a sliding scale depending on a person’s income others may be free.

  6. is for veterans
  9. (for reproductive health)
  10. (for birth control)
  11. is a telehealth option the cost is less than a clinic visit.
  12. rton/index.html

Another option to find health services is to call your local health department and ask them what services they offer. In many states, your county Department of Aging. Has health services for disabled individuals and people over 65 years old that have a low income. Telehealth is rapidly expanding, most often it costs less than an in-person visit.

Free or Low-Cost Mental Health Help

Free or Low-cost medications

Free or Low-Cost Dental Services

I have many more resources I gathered for you. In the free access, you will find services for your mental health, medications, and dental work that are low-cost or free.

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I hope this list of resources is helpful if you are struggling to find health services you can afford. Please reach out to find the services you need on your journey to better health. It may take a lot of research on your part but your health is worth it.

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