About me

The health journey nurse blog









Hello, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you with your journey to better health! I have had the pleasure of helping and sharing in many people’s health journeys over my 17 years as a nurse. I was a certified nursing assistant (CNA) for 14+ years before returning to school to earn my degree as a registered nurse. I have cared for people from 18 yrs to a spry 103 yrs old. 

These days I work as a triage nurse for patient’s of all ages. I have always enjoyed and had a passion for the teaching part of nursing. Teaching patient’s or their family members how to provide care the care they needed at home. That is what inspired me to start this blog and to write.

I am a mother and a grandmother.  I enjoy the outdoors, when it is not cold outside. I enjoy camping, fishing and swimming.  I love to sit around a camp fire to chat with family and friends. I enjoy spending time with my two dogs as well. It is great to enjoy the outdoors with them! Watching them frolic in the water warms my heart and puts a smile on my face!

I am glad you took the time to come by and read my blog. You must care about your health? I think most people would like to be healthier, including me. Taking steps and making changes to improve our health is a journey most of us are on. I feel honored to help you on your journey! My goal is to provide you with helpful tips, information and motivation to improve your health and quality of life!

Be sure to check back often as new blog posts will be added regularly. If you would like to comment on a blog post, ask a question or give a suggestion for a future blog. If you would like to contribute something positive. I would love to hear from you. Please send me an email. You will find my email on my contact page. If you are looking for someone to do some freelance writing about health topics, I would love to hear from you as well!

I look forward to helping you on your journey to being a healthier you!! We can do this together, you are awesome!! Let the journey begin!

My Mission

I hope to help my wonderful readers with information, tips and resources. That will help and empower them to make healthy choices and changes in your life. To be a healthier and feel better.


Teaching People

I enjoy teaching people about their health and ways to improve it. I wanted to make a difference for you wonderful women.


Making Changes

Taking steps and making changes to improve our health is a journey most of us are on.


Sharing Information

I hope that you will find the health information and tips on this blog useful as you embark on your journey to improved health.


Motivation to Empower

I hope I can help to give you information. As well as motivation to empower you to make healthy choices for yourself.